Revised Constitution
REVISION: Approved April 23, 2022
1983; re-issued 1993; revised 2015; amended 2021, 2022
This organization shall be called the Delaware Valley Medieval Association.
The Association shall promote all aspects of medieval studies and provide the opportunity for frequent scholarly communication among medievalists, particularly those from the Delaware Valley region.
Membership shall be open, upon payment of annual dues, to all those who support the purposes of the organization. Membership dues shall be set by the Executive Council and shall be payable at the beginning of the academic year.
A. Officers
1. President. The President represents the Association in its external affairs, chairs all business meetings of the Association, coordinates the activities of the Association, appoints the Nominations Committee from among the members of the Executive Council, appoints any ad hoc committees necessary to the functioning of the organization, and appoints replacements for any officer or member of the Executive Council who is unable to complete his or her term of office. The President handles the Association's official correspondence. The president’s term is two years and is non-renewable.
2 Vice President. The Vice President serves a two-year term and succeeds to the office of President the following year. The Vice President assists the President as needed and chairs the Planning Committee and Communications Committee. The Vice President assists the president in maintaining electronic systems, communicating with members and conveying vital documents and information. Other members may be appointed to perform communication duties.
3. Secretary. The Secretary serves a three-year term The Secretary oversees the organization's media platforms (website, social media, etc.), updates membership lists, and keeps minutes at all Executive Council business meetings. The Secretary also prepares an annual report concerning the organization's membership, serves on the Executive Council and takes part in the planning processes of DVMA.
4. Treasurer. The Treasurer serves a three-year term. The Treasurer collects and disburses money received by the Association, maintains its bank accounts and reports regularly to both the Executive Council and the membership about the state of DVMA’s finances. The Treasurer serves on the Executive Council and takes part in the planning processes of DVMA.
B. Executive Council
The Association shall be governed by an elected Executive Council consisting of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and six members-at-large serving staggered, three-year terms. In addition to these ten Executive membership roles, the Executive Council will include at least one doctoral student who manages graduate student outreach and participation in DVMA events and programming for a two-year term. The Executive Council shall meet at least twice a year, in the Fall and in the Spring. Actions of the officers and committees of the Association shall be subject to the review of the Executive Council. Terms for Officers may be extended for one year in extenuating circumstances. [Amended by EC Spring 21, pending approval by the membership]
A. Elections
In the Spring of each year, a Nominations Committee is formed including outgoing members of the Executive Council. The Committee solicits and proposes nominations for Officers and Executive Council. The slate of candidates is presented at the final meeting of the year, where members approve the candidates by acclamation or a majority vote. In the event that an elected member of the Executive Council or an Officer cannot serve out the term for which he or she was elected, the President shall appoint a replacement.
B. Meetings
The Association shall meet for scholarly interchange as often as practicable, usually four times per academic year. At least one of those meetings – usually the last meeting in the Spring – shall include a business meeting, announced to the membership in advance. These meetings shall be called by the President or by a majority of the Executive Council, and shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order where they do not contradict this Constitution and set of By-Laws.
C. Amendments
The Constitution and By-Laws of the Delaware Valley Medieval Association may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those present at a business meeting of the Association. Amendments may be proposed by majority vote of the Executive Council or by ten voting members of the Association. They shall be circulated by the Secretary to the membership at least one month prior to the business meeting at which they shall be considered. When press of circumstances requires it, three-fourths of the Executive Council may amend the Constitution and By-Laws subject to approval by the membership at the next business meeting.