December DVMA Meeting at Princeton

December Meeting of the Delaware Valley Medieval Association 

Princeton University, McCormick 106

December 9, 1 to 5 pm.



1:00 pm  Coffee


1:30 – 3:00 pm 


Eduard Muehle, Universität Münster, IAS, Princeton

The Slavic World in the Middle Ages - real or Invented Slavisism?


Adam Izdebski, University of Krakow/IAS, Princeton,

Climate Change and the Eastern Roman Empire. A new dimension of history



3: 30 – 5:00


Xin Wen, Princeton University

Reassembling the Ruins: Song Dynasty (960-1279) Views of the Tang Capital Chang’an


Thomas Conlan, Princeton University,

Law and Violence in Medieval Japan


5 pm Reception


Our Thanks

The DVMA would like to offer its sincere gratitude to the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries and the Princeton Index of Christian Art for their continued support of our programs.

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